We started offering Maui support drinks!! We will donate 10% of sales to support Maui through Rob McGrath who is involved in support activities on Maui. We have prepared two types of drinks that will give you a taste of Hawaii, including cafe drinks that are actually drunk in Hawaii!Please come and have a drink!#japancafe #coffeeshopinjapan #hitachicoffee #ibarakicoffee #coffeejapan #ひたち海浜公園 #日立市 #コーヒー豆専門店 #コーヒー豆屋 #茨城コーヒー #localheroandgap #大みか神社 #泉神社 #茨城キリスト教大学 #日立市海水浴 #coffeelover #omikastation #コーヒー好きと繋がりたい
– posted by @cameocoffeecompany –